Screen Shots
Pattern Editor
About gmorgan
gmorgan is a rhythm station, a modern organ with full editable
accompaniment for play in real time emulating the capabilities of
commercial rhythm stations “Korg”,”Roland”,
“Solton” ... also has a small pattern based sequencer
like “Band in a Box”. Uses the capabilities of ALSA
sequencer to produce MIDI accompaniment.
Linux Requirements: ALSA, FLTK, an optional
Midi Keyboard.
NEW Win32 version 0.24 available here
Check these specific shots out for more detail or see the
documentation (pdf or html) for all windows screen shots: Main
Window, Sequencer Window
gmorgan ChangeLog
v0.26 ( / /2006)
v0.25 (08/11/2005)
Debian package
Swing-Waltz and Swing-Walt2
Patterns and AllBlues song from Peter Hübner added
Added support for JPEG and PNG
in win32.
Added tones of variations in
Fixed bug in win32 StyleLib.
Polyphonic Accs improved.
Import Midi improved.
Fixed bug in length notes Acc1
importing Midi Files
Fixed bug importing Midi Files
v0.24 (08/07/2004)
Re-arranged patterns.
Ported code to win32, same
features, as linux, sources will be distributed separately but
enhancements will be applied to both distributions.
Fixed bug reading Style Library filename.
v0.23 (22/06/2004)
Fixed bug in song sequencer
finish point.
Clean code.
Added shortcuts to keyboard
Added go to first bar button in
sequencer window.
Small modifications in some
Hide cursor in Drum and Control
Fixed bug when display Sound
Fixed range of Modulation
Improved panic function.
Added locale.h in main.C to fix
compilation problems.
Added Reset Controllers when
pattern change.
Updated README and inside Help
with ld10k1 contents in order to obtain chorus and reverberation
effects in a emu10k1 device.
Fixed bug selecting Drums
Instrument and Control type.
Some patterns modified.
v0.22 (27/01/2004)
Improved Control Edit Window.
Improved Drum Edit Window.
Fixed Bug in Copy Bars.
Inside Help better translated
(Thanks to Andreas Kilgus).
Fixed bug in sequencer
Added Chord Display in
sequencer window.
Fixed Bug in BankLSB.
Fixed bug in auto-connect, now
connect into the specified port.
Improved Mode 2 in minor
Improved 6 Chord in
Added distinction between triad
and cuatriad chords in harmonization
Fixed bug in Sequencer Bars
Changed dangerous mode 1 in
some patterns and remixed.
Added Mini Skin
Added more skin functions
Fixed Bug in sequencer bar
Added Master Tempo Track in the
Changed the way to add entry's
in Guided Pattern Window.
Added two new skins. (Best for
high resolutions).
Added four new skin functions.
(Red/Green) Led added to
sequencer window.
Clean up code.
Speed up the pattern change.
Removed old parts of code.
Reduced the amount of memory
needed 8 Mb less.
Fix bug in Midi Controller
Updated inside help.
Removed Drum part in Edit Pattern Window.
v0.21 (06/01/2004)
Internal help updated.
Convert old patterns saving,
and reloading.
All patterns released with
BankMSB = 1
FluidSynth don't needs any
pattern change.
gmorgan changed for
compatibility with all the soft-synths.
Fixed Bug in Bank change.
Fixed bug saving settings.
Source code split, for made
easy the future development.
Reduced the amount of memory
needed 8 Mb less.
Removed all the threads,
program runs only in one thread.
Improved the start of the
Fixed Bugs in sequencer.
Added Pattern change
list.(Edit-Load-Save, pattern changes in main window play),
Main window Pattern Bar
Display, now displays TOTAL bars played.
Reduced the amount of resident
memory usage.
Fixed bug in MIDI IN display.
Reduced the amount of memory
usage again 29Mb less
Removed "v" button,
now in Edit Menu.
Added Pattern Generator Window.
Added Pattern Generator
Fixed small errors in look.
Optimized code to fix format
Fixed bug in Note Drum Name
Fixed bug in Preset List
Fixed bug in main menu.
Added German .po file. Thanks
to Andreas Kilgus.
Reduced the amount of memory used again 5Mb less.
v0.20 (27/12/2003)
Final improvement converting
MIDI files to harmonic tracks.
Added RioFunk Patterns and
Style, thanks to Guy Clotilde.
Bug solved playing high and
lower notes.
Fixed bug when open sequencer.
Removed warning in compilation.
Default Bar of Start of
importing 1.
Bug fix importing (*.MID).
Minor bug fixed open sequencer.
Drastically reduced the amount
of memory used (67% less).
Improved the way of convert
MIDI files to harmonic Accs.
Bug Solved playing highs or
lower notes in pattern.
Bug Solved loading one Pattern.
Changed to automake-1.6 for
solve compile errors.
Updated pot files.
Upgraded help.html and
help-es.html files.
Added Modes to import for Bass
and melodic accompaniments.
Rewrite Import MIDI files.
Removed links in m4 directory
and copied the files as suggest of Andreas Kilgus, hope this
solve the compile problem in Suse.
Import Pattern Bass from MIDI
Updated pot files.
Import Pattern Drums from MIDI file.
v0.19 (21/12/2003)
Added French .po file.
Removed warnings in
Docs updated.
Solved bug with "Not
Updated gmorgan.pot.
Added full documentation in sxw
and pdf format in Spanish.
Small GUI improvements.
Changed About and splash
Added help-es.html, inside help
translated to Spanish.
Updated help.html file.
Solved bug in command line.
Added Spanish .po file.
Internationalized with Gettext.
v0.18 (10/12/2003)
Improved some speed graphic
Changed skin Aluminium, now
uses less memory.
Pattern File Format changed
Pattern File Format changed,
improving speed to load gmorgan.
Added function to clear control
in control edit.
Added function to clear
instrument in global drum edit.
Added Menu entry Edit for
access all the edit windows.
Added extensive documentation
in pdf and OpenOffice formats, thanks to Gilles Maire.
Solved bug in sequencer play.
Rewrite splash screen code.
Arranged Help html document.
Added Pattern.
v0.17 (22/09/2003)
Rewrite Sequence Export MIDI
Solved bug generating MIDI
Added Control Pattern example.
Pattern File Format Changed.
Added Pattern Control Edit
Added Master Tune.
v0.16 (08/09/2003)
Added some info messages.
Changed ChangeLog format.
Minor bugs solved.
Added HTML Help Window.
Changed About Screen.
Added Collibri Style, thanks to
Guy Daniel CLOTILDE.
Added six Collibri Patterns, thanks to Guy Daniel
v0.15 (01/09/2003)
Added Pattern.
Small changes in some patterns.
Improved Keyboard Entry Window.
Changed the initial mute state.
Solved bug changing beat 3/4/3.
Rearranged Menus.
Added Master Volume.
Changed splash screen, thanks to Guy Daniel CLOTILDE.
v0.14 (26/08/2003)
Keyboard Entry window.
Mute Operation configurable.
Solved bug writing
configuration file.
Changed Aluminium skin, thanks
to Guy Daniel CLOTILDE.
Solved bug in sequencer. Now
the position slider is activated when sequencer reach the finish
Harmonizer notes are recorded,
played & exported as MIDI file.
Added Splash Screen, thanks to
Guy Daniel CLOTILDE :-)
Solved bug in play, now plays the whole song recorded.
v0.13 (18/08/2003)
Export as MIDI file the Songs
played in the organ.
Added Load/Save song played.
Added Record/Play, records what
you play in the organ.
If sequencer starts on Pattern
0, search for the last pattern number. Thanks to Robert Jonsson.
Tempo in the sequencer can be
changed during play. Thanks to Robert Jonsson
Added Stacatto-Legatto
parameter for each accompaniment section.
Re-arranged old patterns to the
"correct" lengths.
Solved bug in engine, now play the correct note length.
That can modify some patterns.
v0.12 (14/08/2003)
Added Skin.
3 Main windows (Main,
Sequencer, Pattern Editor) resized to 800x600.
Added Pattern.
Added ACC4 and ACC5.
Pattern File format changed.
Solved bug generating Midi
Enlarged maximum length of
patterns to 8 bars. :-)
Added Pattern.
Solved bug on sequencer that
causes segfault.
Look "normalized" in all the windows, thanks to
Guy Daniel Clotilde.
v0.11 (10/08/2003)
Added counter for tempo, thanks
to Guy Daniel Clotilde.
Menus re-organized, thanks to
Guy Daniel Clotilde.
Changes in look, thanks to Guy
Daniel Clotilde.
Minor bugs solved.
Solved bug in Menu Bar.
Solved bug in Virtual Keyboard.
Arranged some older patterns.
Small changes in Mode 2.
Enlarged note range in Pattern
Changed some auto-tools
settings, thanks to Robert Jonsson.
Changed some compile
directives, thanks to Robert Jonsson.
Fixed bug reading configuration
file, thanks to Robert Jonsson.
Added Patterns.
Added ability to the Velocity
Mixer for modify the pattern.
Fixed compilation in older versions of fltk.
v0.10 (07/08/2003)
v0.09 (03/08/2003)
Solved Bug in Harmonize
Solved Bug in Transpose
Solved Major Bug in Global Drum
Edit causes Segfault
Solved Major bug generating
Midi Files
Added Rhythm Anticipation in
Batch Player.
Main window is re-sizable
(thanks to Guy Daniel CLOTILDE).
Added BankLSB to extraparams
Added Patterns.
Look Changed (thanks to Guy
Added Songs.
Minor bugs solved.
v0.08 (30/07/2003)
Small revision of README file.
Added Patterns.
Added the preset files in
Settings window.
GNU Autotoolized :-)
Added Virtual "funny" Chord Keyboard.
v0.07 (27/07/2003)
Added Harmonizer for the Right
Keyb, six different types.
Changed the mode how Acc3
harmonizes, this modifies the notes played, but expands the
future harmonizer capability's.
Added Patterns.
Enlarged the Range of Octave
Added Copy Bars in Batch
Added Clear Bars in Batch
Changes in Settings window. Now when gmorgan starts, loads
the specified files in your configuration.
v0.06 (23/07/2003)
Finally solved problem with
System time, please read README file.
Program runs with 2 threads
Added FIFO priority.
Added Clear Bar in Pattern
window edit for Bass,Acc1,Acc2 and Acc3.
Added small Help window in
Pattern window edit.
Added Preset List Editor.
Added Note Drum Name Editor.
Added Program Change Slider.
Added "safe" Mode 2
for melodic accompaniments.
Added Patterns.
Minor bugs solved.
v0.05 (20/07/2003)
Major bugs solved now runs 3/4
Added Play in thirds in Acc2.
Added Play in sixths in Acc2.
Added More chords in Batch
Added Clear Pattern in Pattern
window edit.
Added Patterns.
Minor bugs solved.
v0.04 (16/07/2003)
New Song File format.
Added New in Batch Play Menu.
Added more markers in Batch
File Play-Editor.
Added New marker system salt in
Batch File Play-Editor.
Added Finish point for the
entire song in Batch File Play-Editor.
Added Export Midi Files in Batch File Play Editor.
v0.03 (13/07/2003)
New Drums Pattern Editor
Added some "demo"
patterns & songs.
Added more chords for batch
Added sfx drum note sounds on
Solved bug in drum note names.
Solved bug in load song.
Solved lots of minor bugs.
v0.02 (10/07/2003)
First Release v0.01 (07/07/2003)